Talk About Putting Your Heart Into a Game
Still, you won't find me turning off the TV when my team is playing. Maybe I'll just invest in a defibulator. In team colors, of course.
Shooting from the hip at whatever moves first.
“Of all the strategic errors that all of the campaigns have made this cycle, Romney's effort to appeal to all the individual factions of the GOP may have been the biggest.”
[T]he link between all the current Republican party-approved issues is tenuous if indeed it exists at all. If you favor a muscular approach in the war against Radical Islam, do you necessarily contradict your support for the war if you favor gay marriage? The same question holds for lower taxes and environmentalism. While many of these issues have become part of the tribal warfare that separates the two parties, it's impossible to identify a coherent philosophy that demands a voter adopt all the Republican orthodoxies.
Right now, it looks like we have a party composed of members who pick and choose from a menu of Republican positions that have no logical reason for co-existing with one another. How else do we explain John McCain's success?
The Democratic party has long been a multi-member marriage of convenience. The only thing that truly unites its disparate members is their disdain for the Republican party. The preceding, by the way, is one of the reasons Barack Obama has a chance to be such a transformative figure--he's the first Democratic politician in well over a generation to offer a sweeping (though vague) vision that offers anything more than a bunch of little schemes to rip off a piece of the federal government's carcass to give to each member of the coalition.
Labels: Democrats, good read, Republicans
Labels: economy, employment, John Edwards
Labels: Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, Florida
Labels: economy, free market
Giuliani is now cancer free, and [wife Judith] Nathan believes that God spared him so he would be able to lead on Sept. 11. The timing of his ordeals also makes the mayor think about God's hand. Had the terrorists struck one year earlier, "when I was going through daily radiation, I couldn't have done it." Had he not had the cancer, he probably would have stayed in the Senate race [against Hillary Clinton] and might have won--and thus would not have been on the scene to help his city get through the crisis. And if not for the cancer, he says, "I would have dealt with Sept. 11 effectively, but not as effectively. I would not have been as peaceful about it."
Labels: 2008 campaign, Giuliani
Labels: 2008 campaign, Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, McCain, Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, Democrats
Labels: Hillary Clinton
Labels: Bush, Republicans
Labels: 2008 campaign, Republicans
Sources on Capitol Hill and at the Treasury Department said the plan would send checks of $600 to individuals and $1,200 to couples who paid income tax and who filed jointly.
People who did not pay federal income taxes but who had earned income of more than $3,000 would get checks of $300 per individual or $600 per couple.
A Democratic aide and Republican aide said there will be an additional amount per child, which could be in the neighborhood of $300.
Those who earn up to $75,000 individually or up to $150,000 as a couple will be eligible for the payments, said Republican and Democratic sources familiar with the tentative deal.
Labels: blogging
If Hillary loses South Carolina and the defeat serves to demonstrate Obama's ability to attract a bloc vote among black Democrats, the message will go out loud and clear to white voters that this is a racial fight…
[I]f blacks deliver South Carolina to Obama, everybody will know that they are bloc-voting. That will trigger a massive white backlash against Obama and will drive white voters to Hillary Clinton.
Labels: 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton, Obama, racism
Labels: 2008 campaign, Fred Thompson, Republicans
[T]o the extent that fascism of any kind will come to America, it will do so in the guise of something "progressive." Indeed, American progressives, particularly before Hitler arrived on the scene in the 1930s, were openly sympathetic to Italian fascism. This isn't to say they copied it (or the fascism of Soviet Russia), as many claim. But rather that the ideas that gave birth to and fueled American progressivism -- philosophical pragmatism, Bismarckian "top-down socialism," Marxism, eugenics and more -- share common intellectual sources and impulses with those that gave us both socialism and fascism.
Labels: 2008 campaign, Democrats
Labels: 2008 campaign, Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, McCain
Labels: economy
Labels: 2008 campaign, Nevada
Labels: economy
Labels: 2008 campaign, Republicans
Hold it against Obama if his rhetoric flagged, [Clinton] suggested, but don't hold it against her if she voted for a war resolution thinking it was something else.
I thought Clinton did the right thing voting for the war resolution, but then I was foolish enough to think that, having done so, she would do right by the troops who were tasked with carrying out the will of Washington.
Instead, she turned her back on the mission when the polls showed Americans had soured on the war. Cold to the plight of those who put their lives on the line, she proclaimed in February, "This is George W. Bush's war" -- as if she could toss it like a hot potato. She opposed the surge, which reduced U.S. casualties. She was too busy trying to win the White House to work to win the war.
Labels: 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton, Iraq
Labels: 2008 campaign, Kucinich, media
Though in speeches he sounds like an idealistic revolutionary out to take back the capital, Obama's record suggests he is actually more of an incrementalist.
Labels: 2008 campaign, Obama
Labels: culture, immigration, Texas
The past year has taught us that it's tough to rally millions for a process without a candidate or an issue...Motivating people to fix a broken system that drives candidates to the extremes by creating something more inclusive and sensible has proven to be a lot harder than we expected.
Labels: Centrist, independents, Unity '08
Labels: 2008 campaign, humor, New Hampshire
Labels: 2008 campaign, John Kerry, Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton, New Hampshire
Labels: 2008 campaign
Labels: 2008 campaign, Obama
You asked for a hug
and to sit on my lap
But you couldn’t admit
your desperation to yack
I picked you up
to prevent your tears
you wretched and proceeded
to puke in my beard
You declared “I don’t feel good”
while I rubbed your back
You said “I don’t like this”
I thought, “Ditto that!”
Mom came to bathe you
and dispense of your clothes
while I cleaned the floor
and purelled my toes
But I’ll tell you what
as sure as can be
I’d gladly trade places
so you can puke on mommy
Labels: 2008 campaign, independents, Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, Giuliani
Labels: 2008 campaign, McCain, Obama
Labels: 2008 campaign, good read, Iowa
Labels: 2008 campaign, democracy
Labels: 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton, Huckabee, Iowa, Obama, Romney
Labels: 2008 campaign
The people who were murdered on July 7 were not the victims of war. The men who killed them were not soldiers. They were fantasists, narcissists, murderers and criminals and need to be responded to in that way.
Labels: language, War on Terror
Labels: food