Friday, February 23, 2007

Pop Friday 2/23

• After weeks of recorded shows, American Idol finally went live this week. And boy did the boys suck. Not a single one of them were memorable. Only two (Chris Sligh and Blake) even seem original. The girls are far better with at least four women good enough to win this thing.

As expected, America didn’t kick off the right people. Sundance and Sanjaya were by far the worst of the men and Antonella is nothing but a timid, mildly pleasing voice encased in plastic. All three deserved tickets home but they’ll all be back to bore us to death or make us cringe next week.

• While I don’t follow the travails of Britney Spears, I keep seeing the headlines. It’s always weird to watch a celebrity go crazy – the descent into madness is so public as to make it one-part tragedy and one-part theater. In-and-out-of-rehab. Shaved head. Attacking paparazzi. The girl’s got issues.

• Academy Awards are this weekend. I’m rooting for The Departed. That’s what a movie should be. Not the violence part but the thrust of plot, the contortion of character, the think-about-it-for-long-after conclusion. But the Academy often leaves the deeper, more intricate works by the wayside in favor of fluffier concoctions. Saving Private Ryan lost to Shakespeare in Love. L.A. Confidential lost to Titanic. Pulp Fiction lost to Forest Gump … the list goes on and on.

• I just found out they held the Grammy Awards recently. Who won? Wait, never mind. I can’t even elevate my emotions to the level of mild interest … let alone caring.

• Speaking of music, I used to listen to the newest of new music. But now I’ve become a musical fossil. In my CD changer right now I have Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Pearl Jam, Counting Crows and U2’s Joshua Tree. Nothing recorded in the last decade. Sad.

That’s it for this week. Have a good weekend.



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