Friday, March 23, 2007

In Support of Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer has returned but the John Edwards presidential campaign will continue. There is already debate about whether or not this is a good decision by the Edwards, but I have no problem with their choice.

First of all, my natural instinct is to support the personal decisions made by families in matters of sickness and health. Who are we to say what’s right or wrong when it comes to coping with an illness? Some people want to stop their lives and focus on healing. Others want to keep going at full-speed and miss nothing of their life. The choice is up to the people involved.

Secondly, given the nature of Ms. Edwards’ diagnosis and prognosis, why would the campaign need to halt? Yes, the cancer is incurable but it is treatable. And Ms. Edwards can have that treatment as an outpatient with minimal disruption to her life and wellbeing. She could live with this cancer for many, many years.

So, the Edwards can either go on with their life as planned or stop and do what? Wait for Ms. Edwards to get sick? Sit around wondering if she’s going to die soon? By all accounts, the stresses of the campaign will not weaken Ms. Edwards or cause the cancer to spread. So why not keep going?

I find the Edwards’ willingness to fight the disease without sacrificing their dreams a very appealing quality. Good for them.

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